Infectious Disease Specialist Questions Infectious Disease Specialist

Is it safe to get the family together?

Just advice, in your opinion. My wife's family always gets together at her mother's (81 yrs old but not sick), for July 4th (3-4 days!)., in Michigan. Her sister and brother with older siblings/family(if they come) will mean 6-10 people staying in her house. They all have been staying basically in isolation in Chicago. My wife is here in New York. In your opinion, is it safe? I am worried! Thank you

3 Answers

This is a very important question and there are a few caveats for keeping it as safe as possible for your mother and her older sister and brother as well. First, everyone should be up to date w/ their vaccines; this means if you are eligible for a booster get it, including the children of these older siblings of your mom. Secondly, there are now a lot of free covid tests and it would be prudent to take one 24-48 hrs before the trip and would certainly keep a low profile in the few days PRIOR to that test, to minimize any risk of the acquisition...let's say 4-5 days prior to the test. Thirdly, since we dont know much yet about the omicron BA2 strain, if any of the above go to the grocery store in the week prior to being together, to a concert, or to Mass, I would strongly recommend wearing an N95 mask. That is the most protective in those days prior to the trip for all. I would also of course wear an N95 on the plane if that is how travel will occur.

Julie Mangino
Yes if everyone gets tested and not flying.
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I would agree, I would be worried especially for your mother. It is not possible to socially distance in a house unless it is a huge mansion. I have cancelled my own family's get together in July because it would focus on my mother who is in her upper 80s.