Urologist Questions Chronic Kidney Disease

Can having just one kidney cause urinary problems?

I am a 45 year old man and I have only kidney due to a chronic kidney disease which caused one kidney to fail. I am now having frequent bouts of urinary problems, either in the form of infection or something else. Is it because of having only one kidney or is the problem something else?

3 Answers

Likely the problem is not related. However, you will need to see a urologist for a full work up. This should include an ultrasound to make sure there are no structural problems with your one remaining kidney that can lead to infection.
If you have bouts of infections, you NEED to consult with a Urologist. With one kidney, you can't afford any damage to it.
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A person with one kidney can have a completely normal life. Please see a urologist. To evaluate your RUTI. Before it damaged the kidney.