Psychologist Questions Nightmares

How can I stop nightmares about an event from my childhood?

When I was a child, I was severely bullied. For the past few months, I have been having recurring nightmares about when I was bullied. What can I do to help make these stop?

8 Answers

I'm so sorry that you were seriously bullied; nobody understand the harsh effects it can have, and how it lingers long after into adulthood. It seems like your childhood experiences of having been bullied left some traumatic memories, which on some level, though you might not be consciously aware of it, has left a painful residue. Your dreams/nightmares is the way your unconscious mind is trying to express and resolve the pain. Please please seek therapy with a therapist, who can help you sort out and explore the trauma. Your nightmares will resolve as you begin to release the old hurts and fears. This is a painful, but necessary process, and I hope you will step forward to this challenge. Though it will be hard to do this, it is infinitely easier than the pain you have already lived through in being bullied. You are a not only a survivor, but a thriver. You're a testimony to the resiliency of our human spirit. Please seek help. Interview several therapists over the phone until you find someone who you 'mesh' well with and who you feel "gets it.' You will not regret it. Wind at your back ... I wish you well :-)
Thank you for emailing your question. I would recommend you consult with a psychologist or other professional to address the root of the recurring nightmares, and ultimately prevent their recurrence. I hope that is helpful and that you do get some help with this.
I am curious why the nightmares have started a few months back. I wonder if there has been a life event that has happened to spark up these feelings of being bullied...try to think if there is any reason why you may feel bullied in your life right now, at home or work?

Nicholas Capaul PsyS, TLLP
You need talk therapy. Read about Gestalt Therapy and how they use dreams contend as a paradogical message of your unconsciousness.
Your nightmares are telling you that you have signs of PTSD; please do see a specialist in that aspect of mental health treatment. Once the traumas are worked through, the nightmares will diminish.
Years after the danger has passed, traumatic memories can spontaneously return into consciousness, both as flashbacks during waking states and as traumatic nightmares during sleep. Minor, seemingly insignificant reminders can also trigger these memories, which often return with all the vividness and emotional impact of the original event. In addition, nightmares of the traumatic event can represent incomplete healing of the past trauma. To decrease the likelihood of reminders and foster healing, you can work on establishing safety in your environment and relationships and make conscious efforts to distinguish the past from the present. You would benefit from meeting with a mental health professional who can help you establish safety in your life and help you more thoroughly process the past trauma to decrease the likelihood of re-experiencing it during sleep.
Maybe something in your life right now is making you feel insecure. And it will trigger past events. Try to stay calm and know that the past cannot hurt you anymore unless you let it. Being around friends and family at times can help
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