Sports Medicine Specialist Questions Sports Medicine

How long should I wait before eating after finishing a game?

I play football. How long after each game should I wait before eating anything?

8 Answers

There are no hard and fast rules about eating after an athletic event. So, you are permitted to eat immediately after an athletic event if you choose to do so. There is some expert opinion that eating a source of protein of 10 grams or more within one hour of a workout can assist with muscle recovery. More important that when you eat after a game is what you eat. Choose a well-balanced meal with some high-quality protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats, if at all possible. Stay away from the "junk food" options.
Immediately is fine. Make sure you replace your electrolytes (Gatorade, etc.) and drink plenty of water.
As soon as your stomach says it's okay.
Typically you want to get in some protein and carbs in 1:4 ratio within an hour of your practice, game or workout. Think ham sandwich with lettuce and tomato or a bagel with peanut butter. You can restore glycogen stores by eating fruit. Good luck.

Nancy Rolnik, MD
You should wait until you are hungry, friend.

Best regards,

Dr. Doug Duncan, MD
No set answer here. Just when you feel comfortable enough to eat something and are okay with fluids.
Start immediately with small meal but more electrolyte type drink Gatorade or Poweaide then slowly add salted type meal in small portions. After recovering to baseline core body temperature and feeling refreshed, then you can progress back to usual diet. A lot of science out there on Recovery drinks, shakes and foods. Eat what you want after you are recovered 2 hours after major competition.
Then start back don a Nutriotion based meal plan based on YOUR sports demand!