Plastic Surgeon Questions Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)

What are the risks and advantages of abdominoplasty?

I'm going to have a C-section, and I want to have an abdominoplasty at the same time. What are the risks and advantages of abdominoplasty?

4 Answers

Hello, usually we do not recommend undergoing an abdominoplasty simultaneously with a C-section. Most of the time, this is offered by the obstetrician which is not a qualified cosmetic or plastic surgeon. Therefore they end up doing a mini- tummy tuck instead of a full one. I have seen this and had to repair these mistakes many times. If there is a plastic or cosmetic surgeon there, the result will still be sub-optimal. For an abdominoplasty to be done properly with the best results, enough time has to have passed (minimum of three months) to allow the uterus to contract to its normal non-pregnant size and for the muscles and skin to be repaired properly over that. As well, the risk of infection is dramatically increased if done simultaneously. If you have any further questions or inquiries please visit my website at Good luck!
I doubt that your OB surgeon would be willing to perform an abdominoplasty at the same time as your C-section.
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They are not done at the same time. Have the baby and then 6 months later perhaps you could have the abdominoplasty.

William B. Rosenblatt, M.D.
You pose a very interesting question! In my extensive experience, however, doing a true abdominoplasty along with a delivery might not the best choice for several reasons. The main one being often the need to repair the separated belly muscles (to regain a flat stomach and best performed on the entire length of the 2 muscles often spread above the belly button) ,the potential detrimental effect of weight excess, potential surgical complications and limiting recovery, their effect on breast feeding, and finally the lack of a timely natural recovery. Most often in my experience, the so-called tummy tucks commonly performed by the delivering Ob/Gyn were due to the circumstances, barely a mini tuck with an often mediocre skin and muscle repair! Unless your tummy changes from the pregnancy are minimal, my advice would be for you to give yourself time to enjoy your new baby, lose the excessive weight that you have gained, restore your body fitness and schedule with the right perspective and family help your true abdominoplasty! A tummy tuck well planned and artistically performed by a board certified plastic surgeon can indeed be can be a life changing procedure for women that have suffered significant skin and muscle changes after a single or multiple deliveries. The before and after surgery preparations, the esthetic goals such as placement of the incision low, hopefully below bikini line, in the natural creases, a flat stomach, a pretty belly button, a trimmed waistline, etc., as well as the risk and potential complications, should be clearly explained by your plastic surgeon before your surgery.

Christian Drehsen, M.D. Board certified plastic surgeon