Pediatrician Questions Pediatrician

ā€œWhat are the treatment options for lice?ā€

My 6 year old daughter came home from summer camp with lice. What are the treatment options for lice?

4 Answers

Rid shampoo.
There are many over the counter products like Nix or Rid that are good. Can do 2 treatments 5-6 days apart to catch all the eggs that could hatch later. But you have to check hair and remove bits manually as bits are glued to hair and do not come out well with nit combs.
Make sure you see live lice along with nits. Use of nix shampoo followed by combing with thin spaced comb will remove the lice, however, the nits will remain attached to hair shaft. Repeat the process after one week. The whole family has to be treated at the same time. The clothes along with bedding has to be washed in hot, hot water. There are other options also if this does not work.
Rid and Nix are OTC. You can also use mayonnaise or olive oil and leave in your hair overnight with a shower cap. Then wash in the am. This will also usually kill them. Wash linens in hot water with bleach.