Pediatrician Questions Wheezing

What causes an asthmatic child to wheeze?

My daughter is 14 years old and has asthma, for which she has an inhaler. I noticed how much she wheezes even when she uses the inhaler to help her. What causes an asthmatic child to wheeze? Could it be allergies?

3 Answers

Inflammation and spasm of the airways.
The wheeze is the noise made when the air is trying to go through narrowed airways. Spasm, inflammation are the most common reason for the airways to narrow. The inflammation can be caused by infections, allergies, increased mucus, respiratory irritants such as smoke . If her rescue inhaler is not working, she needs a daily controller and further workup for allergies infection etc

For older kids, like your daughter, allergies are the most common reason. It could be also illness either from a cold or pneumonia. Hope she feels better.