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Herpes Facts


Statistics has shown that one in every three adults are known to be suffering from genital herpes which is said to be causing the virus. There have been around 80 percent of the genital herpes patients who are not even aware that they are suffering from this virus in the first place.


Few of the common symptoms in terms of genital herpes an individual would experience are sores, mild forms of rashes and blisters on the skin. Most of the individuals may not experience any symptoms for at least a month or a year after they are infected with the virus. Those individuals who do experience certain symptoms during the initial period would mostly start to notice the               m just about four days post the exposure to the virus wherein the average range would be two to twelve days. Most of the individuals who suffer from HSV tend to also get recurring case of herpes. When the individual has been infected for the first time then the recurrence would happen very much frequently. As time passes the remission periods also tend to get longer and each of the occurrence would become less severe.


The herpes simplex is known to be the major cause of this viral skin related infection leading to cold sores, whitlows or the herpes in the genitals. When the HSV is present on the surface of the skin of the infected individual then it can be easily passed to another individual through the moist skin which is known to line the anus, mouth and genitals.

The virus is also known to spread to another individual by the other regions of the skin as well as the eyes. Infection would mostly occur when the individual had unprotected vaginal or anal sex, sharing of sex toys, having oral sex with another individual who is known to get cold sores and having genital form of contact with the individual who has been infected with this virus. If a mother who has genital herpes sores while giving birth, then it would also be possible that the infection would tend to pass on to the new-born as well.


The oral herpes is known to be mostly transmitted through the contact of oral genitals. Condoms are known to reduce the risk of transmission of the genital herpes virus. It is known to get genital herpes from the infected bodily fluids which can include semen, saliva, herpes lesion or the vaginal discharge. When the individual has open sores or blisters and the infected bodily fluids then also there are greater chances of spreading this genital herpes infection. This infection cannot be spread through use of toiletries, toilet seats, sharing utensils and clothes since the virus is not able to survive outside the body for long.


When the symptoms start to get problematic then it is best to seek medical assistance in such cases and not delay. It becomes important to take medications on a daily basis so as to prevent the recurrence of this virus and also to minimise the risk of transmitting this condition to another or to your partner.

There are multiple home remedies which can help the individual such as taking bath in salted water for getting relief from the symptoms of genital herpes, consuming painkillers such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen, soaking oneself in sitz bath,  ensuring to wash hands thoroughly mostly after touching the affected region, ensuring to refrain from having any kind of sexual activity unless the symptoms go away and the infection is cured,  avoiding to wear tight clothes around the affected region, in case if the urination becomes painful then it is better to apply some cream or lotion to the urethra. There are certain individuals who have found that use of ice packs is actually helpful in getting relief. But ensure to not apply ice directly on to the skin, it should be first wrapped in a clean towel and then applied on the affected region.

Genital herpes is in no ways associated with cervical cancer.

Risk factors:

Any individual can suffer from genital herpes but those who had unprotected sex are at a greater risk of getting this medical condition.