Branding & Exposure

FindaTopDoc - A Smarter Solution Than Physician Directories

FindaTopDoc - A Smarter Solution than Physician Directories

Nowadays, thousands and thousands of patients are searching online for terms such as “search for a top doctor” and “find a top doctor”. In fact, it has been estimated that over 80% of patients use online reviews to assess physicians’ expertise. What’s more, it has been suggested that over 65% of patients search the internet prior to a doctor’s visit. Today, patients are better informed and more empowered than ever better - choosing a physician can be done by a simple click of a button. FindaTopDoc is a service that helps physicians, such as you, reach patients through search engine results. When a patient searches for a “top doctor” in their area, is among the top search results and you can be too.

As a healthcare professional, having an trustworthy and informative online presence is crucial to being found by both patients and referring physicians in your area. Your FindaTopDoc profile can feature your biography, education, areas of specialization, and more. Best of all, it can be customized to meet your needs. Patients will be able to reach the FindaTopDoc website and search for a doctor, such as you, via physician directory: by location, specialty, or insurance.

While each physician’s marketing strategy varies, the one thing that all physicians strive for is optimizing search engine results to stay ahead of the competition. As patients go on using digital sources to educate themselves and to connect, your role is to meet them halfway and empower them to live happier and healthier lives. In addition to helping patients find and book appointments, FindaTopDoc is also a leading provider of valuable information relevant to the quality of patients’ health care. A closer look at some of the benefits that FindaTopDoc profile has to offer includes the following:

  • Top ranking in search engine results

As patients continue their physician search online, your FindaTopDoc profile will appear on the first few pages of search engine results – Google, Bing, Yahoo, and more. This will allow you to feature the most relevant information that highlights who you are and what services you have to offer.

  • 24/7 Appointment Requests

Your FindaTopDoc profile will allow you to revise your calendar so that your patients have access to your schedule and they can book their appointments online more easily. This will save you the hassle from the running into obstacles, such as overbooking. In addition, you can match patients by insurance so that you and your patients are aware of the financial aspects of the services you offer.

  • Enhanced credibility

By highlighting your positive patient reviews on your FindaTopDoc profile, you will be able to build trust among prospective patients. Being recognized as an authority within your field is what fuels your respected reputation and places you across social media properties.

  • Real time reviews from in-office kiosk

The FindaTopDoc Review Kiosk will be displayed at your front desk so that patients can post reviews and videos testimonials of their personal experiences on the way out from your office. After collecting positive reviews, you can publish them on your FindaTopDoc profile and even across the internet so that you can maximize your exposure and reputation.

  • Compact reviews

Your FindaTopDoc profile will allow you to have all your patient reviews in one place. Moreover, powered by an algorithmic system, you will be notified via email whenever a new patient visits your website. Consider looking over review websites such as Healthgrades, Vitals, Yelp, and more – and find out what you can do to boost both patient reviews and referrals. Through FindaTopDoc’s automated communications tool, you can request reviews from your most satisfied patients, thus keeping you connected to your patients.

  • Patient bonds

With more than 1/3 of American adults using the internet to diagnose their symptoms and medical conditions, now conducting searches on FindaTopDoc can be done just the same. It is the ideal physician finder – a way to narrow down results so that prospective patients can find physicians such as you. What’s more, every time a patient who lives in your local area comes across content that is related to your area of expertise, your contact information, picture, and a link to your profile will be portrayed on the right side of the page they are viewing.

Another great feature on FindaTopDoc is the Expert Blog. The Expert Blog is an innovative platform where you can write your own content and host your own blog, thus maximizing seo for doctors. Upon signing up, it will instantly become visible to millions of subscribers. You can introduce readers to who you area, your areas of expertise, your thoughts of treatment procedures, preventative measures, and other various topics. FindaTopDoc will share and promote your posts on several social media platforms and as a result, you can build a following across the web. Furthermore, you can link your practice’s website to your Expert Blog and allow your patients to get to know your personality and doctoral philosophies better.

You have the option to send existing patient emails to FindaTopDoc’s HIPAA-compliant email system, where all the information is kept private and only used with your permission. Being a busy physician, it can be rather difficult juggling daily tasks and managing email campaigns. FindaTopDoc makes it easier for you so that you can focus on writing content and the editorial team is in charge of compiling the Expert Newsletter – to be sent straight to your existing patients. Every time you post on your blog, your subscribers are sent a notification as well as a customized e-newsletter, highlighting your latest blog posts from that month. Each newsletter is devised with a modern design and includes four of your most recent articles. Likewise, it is personalized to reflect your personal style and to keep your readers continuously engaged. .

The Expert Blog offers free access to FindaTopDoc’s graphic, editorial, and media team. They can ensure that your blog reflects the tone that you want to set across all of your posts. What’s more, they can help you edit and post videos, as well as add graphics and text to make your blog the concept of professionalism. The Expert Blog will connect you to patients who are interested in reading the advice and insights that you have to offer, based on your area of expertise. Best of all, you can earn rewards, badges, and shares for your blog. They will be displayed on your Expert Blog for your readers to see and as you reach new milestones, your viewership will grow. By adding content to generate exposure and expand your reach, you can build trust among the online health community.

Starting your own blog on FindaTopDoc’s Expert Blog platform is made easy. Simply log in to your account to access the Expert dashboard. If you do not have an account, you need to create one. Once inside, you can begin by creating your expert blog biography and contact information. Add a profile picture, add social media links, and describe your blog and the topics that you plan on discussing. You can immediately begin writing and address your perspectives on certain medical conditions, treatments, and procedures.

Retaining current patients and attracting new patients is an ongoing cycle but there are plenty of opportunities available for you to promote your business. Whether you wish to reach out to more patients online, maximize your practice’s visibility or increase your credibility, FindaTopDoc can help you in all of these aspects. Share the latest medical news, offer healthy tips, and constantly remind patients of the significance of your work. The use of the internet will continue to advance as a source of health-related information so start by creating a FindaTopDoc profile and reach out to more patients for free. As your viewership begins to grow, you can expand your visibility and build your online credibility.