Women's Health

The Link Between Sugar Consumption and Breast Cancer

The Link Between Sugar Consumption and Breast Cancer

The Link Between Sugar Consumption and Breast Cancer

In the beginning, when human beings were hunters and gatherers, and long before there were restaurants and grocery stores, people had to eat whatever high-calorie foods they could get their hands on whenever they could. The human body is designed to go for particularly long periods of time without food, which is why it seeks out foods that are fatty and full of sugar and calories.

Way back then, those foods were only available when the right season came about, and usually in small quantities. But now, many people have easy access to sugary treats on nearly every corner of town.

When it comes to craving certain foods, we tend to desire those that are loaded with calories and sugar, leading to an increase in one’s chances of developing certain medical conditions and other diseases ranging from obesity to heart issues. According to recent research, it was reported that the intake of certain food items can lead to an increased risk of developing breast cancer. Research carried out over the past few years has blamed salt, cholesterol, fat, and lifestyle choices as the main reasons behind the disease. But a few recent studies all point to sugar as the lead culprit behind the disease. The rise in intake of sugar is not only attributed to the body’s cravings, but also to unsavory marketing tactics used by various corporations trying to boost the sale of their product. In the case of men, the suggested level of sugar intake should be limited to only 38 grams per day, and in the case of women, it should be capped at 25 grams per day. In regards to children, this limit should be kept between 12 to 25 grams per day based on the age and daily caloric intake of the child. In 2016, a research study was conducted that reported a direct link between sugar and the development of breast cancer, which was tested in mice. In this experiment, it was observed that no matter what amount of sugar was given to the mice, there was an increase in the development as well as progression of breast cancer in the animals. They also found that whenever the dose was increased, the mice were more likely to develop this cancer, and there were greater chances of it spreading to other parts of the body as well. The researchers were quite surprised that even the smallest dose could have a negative impact on the test mice. They believed that the inflammatory response was what drove the progress of this disease and also led to an increase in the speed of its spreading to other parts of the body. Excess inflammation is said to be a normal response from the body, which the immune system uses to help it heal from an injury or infection, but excess inflammation can lead to a large range of health issues. Some inflammation is needed to heal the body from various cuts and scrapes, but if this level increases, it is known to be directly linked with a greater risk of getting cancer.

So, it is important to limit one’s intake of sugar since it would not only reduce the chances of getting any sort of medical condition or breast cancer, but would also be beneficial for the overall health of the body. Limiting sugar can lead to a reduction in one’s risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart issues as well. You should be sure to read food labels and try to purchase foods and beverages that do not contain sugar or sugary flavors.