Let's Support Each Other

Let's Support Each Other
Joanne Wilson Fibromyalgia

Hello, I'm 38-year-old mom who has two beautiful children. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia a year after giving birth to my second. I hope to find new people on this site and share my experience with them.

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My illness is invisible. I'm in pain, but no one can really see it, and no one really cares. I'm a mother of 2, and I have a loving husband who tries to understand. But, I'm beginning to understand that trying is not enough, especially when fibro is in the air. 

There are a lot more of us diagnosed with this god-awful disease that we need to stop and think once in a while. There are women, men, and even some children! There are too many, too many without any help, and undiagnosed because they are afraid of coming forward.

My girlfriend, Cheryl, was diagnosed with the disease a few years after me after she had a car accident. We both know what this disease can do. But, unlike me, she's been through worse. Her pain has led her to many hospital visits and many sleepless nights. For each other, we are an outlet. We try to go out as much as we can. Sometimes, she cancels, sometimes, I cancel. 

You may be saying that we're awful friends. And, hey, maybe we are. But, we're comfortable enough to tell each other how we feel, when we're feeling crappy, and how our crappy day has been, all of which is all that matters. 

So, if you know someone who has fibromyalgia, or a family member, or if you are a fibromyalgia sufferer like me and Cheryl, you are not alone. We should all be here for each other, rather than bashing each other. When we bash each other, our pain only gets worse. So, let's rally up and lift ourselves up. 

Here are a few ways we can do that:

  • Join, or create a support group: There are so many online and in-person support groups that can help. I'm a part of a few online, and so far, it has been nice to see others' experiences with the disease and share my own.
  • Understand and respect each other: We want to build each other up not tear each other down. We all have different experiences with fibro, but we have trouble understanding that. And, I know because I am one of those people. Sometimes, we can't help but feel frustrated once we hear that a treatment is working for someone else. And, honestly, it's annoying. I have tried so many different treatments before landing with Gabapentin, and even then, I still have a lot of pain. 
  • Listen to each other. We all have something to bring the table, in terms of coping with the pain. So don't be shy and interact with other fibro sufferers who understand where you are coming from!