Fibromyalgia Comfort, Care, and Routines

Pat Kavanaugh Fibromyalgia

Another cold and rainy day, I could hardly move this morning. Everything ached, my head was spinning 'but I did get up'. If it wasn't for the home support staff, that comes most mornings at 7 am, Maybe I'd spend the day in bed. I also have many other issues that help to make my body, feel crapy. I have 5 body replacements--2...

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What kind of treatment are you receiving for your fibro?

I only wish we had a treatment that would work!!! I find now that being in the sun helps your frame of mind, and I can relax. I mentioned before that I use Celebrex for the pain, 200mg, and I take pills for depression and anxiety, and pills for sleep. I feel like a druggie at times.

How is your day to day life impacted by fibromyalgia?

My day never starts out good, at times it's just plain awful!! Just getting myself up is a chore. I have a Home-care nurse that comes in 5 days per week. If it wasn't for her, I would be totally lost. Along with the fibro, I now have Multiple Myeloma. It's a blood cancer that affects the bones.

How has fibro affected your relationships with family and friends?

I've had this for so long now, my family is understanding, to a point. My friends also know when I'm not doing well; this does help the issue. The ones that don't, it's their loss.