Lifestyle Changes Since Diagnosis

Pat Kavanaugh Fibromyalgia

Another cold and rainy day, I could hardly move this morning. Everything ached, my head was spinning 'but I did get up'. If it wasn't for the home support staff, that comes most mornings at 7 am, Maybe I'd spend the day in bed. I also have many other issues that help to make my body, feel crapy. I have 5 body replacements--2...

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What lifestyle changes have you made since your diagnosis?

Hello, I've made a few changes in my diet, I'm cutting out soda and trying to drink more water. I have a lot of problems with constipation, it's mainly caused because I can't walk far anymore because of my R-hip needing more surgery. The operation that's next, will require, the use of a 'cadaver bone', being grafted onto what's left of my hip bone. This will be the fifth try to make it work. This was all caused by the fibro and M/M. 

What impact have these changes had on your health and state of mind?

I have been very depressed, we've been having nothing but rain here in Halifax, and that does affect my bones. Some days, the pain is so bad, I'd sooner stay in bed. I won't let myself do that, no matter what. If I start doing that, I would never get up and then where would I be? I will never give up on anything, things will improve at some point, I'm sure.

What advice do you have for others who are trying to incorporate these changes into their lives?

Keep the faith and never give up, I pray each day that they will come out with something new, to help us.