My Diagnosis Story

Vikki Viau: My Diagnosis Story
Vikki Viau Fibromyalgia

When I FINALLY got diagnosed nothing really changed, I just kept working through it. STILL have pain, not much seems to help. When I get stressed it gets a LOT worse. So I TRY not to get stressed.. Some things help, like heated blankets on cold days. REALLY hot showers, walking as much as possible. Trying to keep moving...

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What symptoms led up to your diagnosis?

Entire body ached ALL the time. I was told that I was a hypochondriac, the DR actually put that in my medical records.

What tests did your doctor do, and what was this experience like?

FINALLY found a DR who listened to me and did EVERY test under the sun, my medical coverage was NOT happy, but they did them anyway. THAT was when I was diagnosed. It took FOREVER!!!

Upon learning about your diagnosis, what happened next?

I felt vindicated. I KNEW there was something wrong and NOBODY would listen.  When I finally found the ONE Doctor that listened we moved ahead with physical therapy, which made it WORSE, some different medications, LOTS of crying and pain, but we made it work. Things got better SLOWLY, I still have the pain, I just have learned to live with it.