Exhausting, lonely, painful, and depressing

Exhausting, lonely, painful, and depressing
Lucy Backshall Hypothyroidism (Underactive Thyroid Disease)

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Fibromyalgia has a lot of misconceptions attached to it. What do you wish people understood about fibromyalgia?

My son calls it "the so called illness that has every symptom under the planet" he sees it as unreal and that I should push through it.

Has any one told you that "you don't look sick?"

Actually no, mostly I don't refer to myself as sick. It's debilitating but really only when I flare. I've learned to manage the fibro, being aware of what I can do before I flare and if overdoing things, planning in rest periods. People who know me know I have it but others who don't would never know. You can't see pain, but when I flare it is more obvious.

Tell us, who is your biggest support system while coping with fibromyalgia?

Knowledge and learning from the net. I've read so much about fibro and people's experiences that I've learned much more about how to live with it and manage it.