Boosting Fertility for Females: 8 Ways to Help You Conceive Successfully

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The path to parenthood can be difficult at times, but know that you are not alone in your struggles. For both men and women, trying to conceive can be an exciting but stressful period since timing is a significant factor in getting pregnant. 

Some people can get pregnant right away, while others take what seems like an eternity. If you are one of the people having difficulty conceiving, here are the tips that can help boost your fertility!

Monitor Your Ovulation

Monitoring your ovulation is essential when trying to conceive. Tracking the dates when your ovaries release an egg allows you to know your cycle and determine when you have the highest likelihood of conceiving.

Furthermore, according to Perth fertility specialists, Fertility North, ovulation usually occurs once a month or so from puberty until menopause, except for pregnancy and breastfeeding. But keep in mind that the time and duration of ovulation can vary from cycle to cycle, so tracking your ovulation is highly beneficial. 

Go Get Checkups

A preconception checkup with your OB-GYN, family physician or midwife is a critical first step. A physical exam and an assessment of your health and reproductive histories, such as previous pregnancies, current medications, and immunizations, may be part of your preconception checkup.

You should also inquire with your doctor about folic acid-containing prenatal vitamins, which can help protect against certain birth defects such as spina bifida. Nonetheless, you and your partner should make appointments for yourself to be fully informed when you begin trying to conceive.

Eat Healthy Food

You don't have to wait until you're pregnant to eat healthily. Although there is no specific pregnancy diet, consuming various nutritious foods can help a woman's body prepare for pregnancy by providing sufficient stores of critical nutrients such as calcium, protein, and iron.

A woman can obtain folic acid from broccoli, dark green leafy vegetables, beans, fortified bread and cereals, orange juice, and citrus fruits and take a folic acid supplement. Finally, you should try to limit your sugar intake because it may interfere with your chances of becoming pregnant.

Cut Caffeine, Alcohol, and Smoking

Another habit that you should cut is drinking caffeine and alcohol and smoking. Caffeine is thought to limit fetal growth by constricting blood vessels and decreasing blood flow to the uterus.

Alcohol can also reduce fertility and increase the risk of miscarriage. Likewise, smoking can impair a woman's ability to become pregnant by prematurely aging the ovaries.

Aim For A Healthy Weight

When it comes to female fertility, weight is among the significant determinants. A woman's weight can affect her possibility of getting pregnant: being overweight or underweight may decrease those chances.

It is because the amount of fat stored in your body affects menstrual function. Thus, work with your healthcare provider to lose weight if you're overweight and gain weight if you're underweight to increase your chances of getting pregnant.

Have Sex During Your Fertile Window

According to studies, lovers who have intimate relations daily or every other day during the fertile window have the greatest pregnancy rates. The "fertile window" lasts six days, beginning five days before ovulation and ending on the day of ovulation.

You could try to have sex throughout your cycle, but for most individuals, it will result in burnout, stress, and feeling like a responsibility, and is unnecessary. Instead, having sex three to four times per week improves your likelihood of succeeding by increasing your chances of having sex on your most fertile period.

Use Fertility-Friendly Lubricant

If you're trying to conceive, you may have considered trying out some new products in the bedroom. Fertility-friendly lube differs from regular lube in that it is specifically designed to assist couples who are attempting to conceive.

Only a few lubes on the market are truly "fertility-friendly," meaning they have little to no effect on sperm. Furthermore, fertility-friendly lubricants contain no harmful ingredients such as silicone or petroleum and have a pH similar to that of sperm and cervical fluid, which can be toxic to sperm.

Avoid Using Contraception

If you want to become pregnant, you must discontinue using contraception, particularly hormonal birth control. It is because hormonal birth control can slow the rate at which you become pregnant.

However, if you discontinue your birth control, you should expect a missed period as soon as your next cycle. And there might be a few bumpy months while your cycle adjusts, but you can get pregnant in your first official fertile cycle.

Final Thoughts

Understanding your cycle and identifying your most fertile days are crucial for timing your baby-making sessions. It's also critical to prepare your body and change your lifestyle to boost your chances of conception. So the more information you have, the better your odds of getting pregnant quickly will be.