How Your Life Has Changed with Lymphoma

How Your Life Has Changed with Lymphoma
Ginny Peebles Lymphoma

I am a 48 year old cancer survivor. I was diagnosed with NHL in 2015. It was found by a wonderful NP who went with her instinct and sent me for a CT. Since that time, I can honestly say that I am a different person. My life is full. Prior to my diagnosis, I was very driven and took so many things for granted. I now embrace...

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How and when did you receive the diagnosis?

May 2015. I went to see my NP for medication refill. I mentioned some right flank pain, and I thought it was a pulled muscle. She sent me for a CT of my abdomen and pelvis. A pulled muscled turned out to be NHL-DLBC of the spleen. 

Have your life goals and aspirations changed since the diagnosis?

Absolutely. I value every single moment of every single day. I no longer live to work but work in order to live. I treasure my friends and family and make the best of our time together. I am closer to God and praise him for allowing me to respond well to treatment and be here just a little longer. 

What is the best advice you would give to someone recently diagnosed?

Stay positive. Surround yourself with people you love and focus on getting well. Place yourself in the best cancer center and be open to recommendations but not afraid to ask questions or a second opinion.