12306 results in Archive


What Kind of Dietary Fiber Do We Need?

Fiber is an important part of our diet. Find out what foods are the best sources, and how much you should be consuming each day for optimal health.


How can I Reduce the Risk of COPD?

Chronic pulmonary obstructive disease, or COPD, is a serious lung condition, which is one of the leading causes of death in the country. Read more to learn the risks.


How Can I Relieve Stress Quickly?

Do you feel under pressure, like you can't keep it all under control? Managing stress effectively is important to being healthy. Here are some simple tips to keep things under control.


What are the Symptoms of Melanoma?

Melanoma is a silent and deadly form of cancer, and it is caused by exposure to the sun. Learn about the signs and symptoms of melanoma and how to recognize this disease.


What Makes Zumba Such an Effective Workout?

Who said fitness can't be fun? Learn all about the benefits of Zumba and how you can dance your way into a new body and an awesome attitude!


What is a Neck Lift?

It's quite possible that at some point in your life, your neck skin might hang lower than you would prefer. Our necks tend to droop over time, or if you have put on a few extra pounds. There is one possible solution to solve this issue, and that is what doctors call, a neck lift. This is a surgical procedure used to tighten your neck to make it look slimmer and more youthful.


Should I Receive a Flu Shot this Year?

Common flu, or influenza, is a very common illness and affects about 20% of the population in the country every year. Read more to learn why you should consider receiving a flu shot this year.


What are the Health Benefits of the Consumption of Pumpkins?

Pumpkins have an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, and are a delicious addition to your diet. Find out the nutritional values that pumpkins give us.


Why is Cord Blood Banking Important?

Have you heard about cord banking? Discover what cord banking is, and the importance of this procedure in this article.


What is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome?

Fetal alcohol syndrome causes birth defects that are a result of the mother's consumption of alcohol during pregnancy. Excessive consumption of alcohol during pregnancy may result in the child developing physical deformities, mental conditions, behavioral issues, and learning disorders.


What are the Symptoms and Treatment for Vaginal Yeast Infections?

About three out of four women may experience a vaginal infection at some point in their lifetime. What exactly isa vaginal yeast infection?


What Are the Different Essential Nutrients for Women?

Like men, it is important for women to consume the essential nutrients to carry out normal bodily functions. However, do men and women have the same nutritional requirements?


What are the Different Types of Breast Cancer?

Breast cancer is the number one leading cause of death for women. Educate yourself on how this type of cancer affects the human body.


What Causes Gastroenteritis?

Gastritis is an inflammation of the lining of the stomach and intestines, which causes nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea. It can be acute and chronic. Learn about the possible bacteria, viruses, and other catalysts that can trigger this disease.


Can Snacking Help Promote Weight Loss?

Healthy snacks can be your best friend while on a diet plan, if you choose what to eat wisely. Review the list of healthy foods to eat as snacks in this article.


Are Wrinkle Fillers Effective?

 As we age, our skin loses moisture and elasticity, which results in the wrinkling of the skin. Dermatologists now have cost effective tools that we need to preserve our radiant skin.


Are Sugar Substitutes Good for Your Health?

If you are trying to eliminate sugar and calories in your diet, replace sugar with sugar substitutes. Sugar substitutes have been regulated and approved by the FDA. Read more. 


Are Spas Safe?

Most of us want to have relief from the everyday hustles and bustles of life. One solution making an appointment at a spa, according to most stress experts. Discover the risks from receiving spa treatments.


Are Statins Right for Me?

High cholesterol may cause several life-threatening health problems. Take a look at one treatment that can reduce cholesterol level in blood. 


Are Weight Loss Drugs Good For You?

Too much of anything is never a good idea, especially if it's weight loss pills. Weight loss pills can also be addictive. Find out why.