12306 results in Archive


Are Weight Loss Supplements Effective?

Do herbal supplements for weight loss have the same effects as weight loss pills?


Are Moles Serious?

A mole is a cluster of pigmented cells that usually appear as brown or dark-colored spots. Usually, they are harmless, benign lesions. Read this article and learn when to consult your doctor regarding your moles or nevi.


Are Prenatal Vitamins Necessary During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy is the development of a new offspring, or fetus. It is important for an expectant mother to be healthy for a safe delivery. Find out how prenatal vitamins help pregnant mothers. 


Do Raspberry Ketones Promote Weight Loss?

Can raspberries actually help you lose weight? Read more. 


Are Detox Diets Effective?

Body detoxes are a popular fad, but does your body really need help cleansing itself? Find out how detox diets work when trying to lose weight. 


Are Energy Drinks Safe?

Energy drinks are advertised everywhere, but how do we know if they are safe?


Are Chemical Peels Good for Your Skin?

It's common for people to want to look their best. One part of looking great is having healthy, smooth skin. Find out how to get fairer, younger looking skin. 


Are Creatine Supplements Necessary?

Athletes need supplements to boost their energy level and performance. Learn the benefits of creatine and how you can incorporate this chemical into your diet. 


Are Dental Crowns Useful?

Oral hygiene is the practice of keeping the mouth clean to prevent dental problems such as oral cavities, bad breath, and gingivitis. There are several kinds of dental treatments that can be utilized today, and one of those is the use of dental crowns. What is dental crown?


How to Control Your Sodium Levels

Sodium is in almost everything we eat, but eating too much sodium can lead to high blood pressure and other damaging health conditions. Some foods that we commonly eat have extremely high levels of sodium that we may not even be aware of. See what those foods are, and how to keep your sodium levels normal.


Are Beauty Beverages Good for Skin?

There is a large number of vitamin drinks sold on the market today. The question is: are these drinks safe for us to consume?


Are Body Wraps Effective?

Find out how natural materials used in spas effect our bodies.


Diets can Determine the Way You Look

There are many things in life that you can't control but your diet isn't one of them. Your eating habits can dictate how you look and how you age.  Learn how you can eat right to look your best.


A Girl's Guide to Food

You are what you eat, and for many women this presents a huge challenge. Read this article to learn how to make your diet work for you.


Low-Calorie Diets Control Arthritis

Stay active and maintain a healthy diet so you can stay mobile when you are older.  Read about how there is a direct correlation between obesity and arthritis.


Arthritis May Lead to Obesity

Did you know that there is a direct correlation between obesity and arthritis?


Brown Fat is Great Fat

Yes it's true; some fats can actually burn calories.


Stressed? Don't Reach for Junk Food - Eat a Purple Potato

Did you know that eating purple potatoes can reduce stress, blood pressure, and weight gain? Who knew?


Ten Potential “Heartbreakers”

Some things in life are simply out of your control, but maintaining a healthy heart is possible if you avoid certain risk factors.  Learn how to protect your heart.


Healthy Teeth for a Healthy Life

Did you know that your smile is an indicator of good health? Learn how to protect your smile.