Nephrologist (Kidney Specialist) Questions Chronic Kidney Disease

What causes chronic kidney disease?

I'm 45 years old, and I was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease recently. My doctors, however, weren't clear on how I got it. I don't have diabetes or high blood pressure. May have it in my family, but unsure. What are some other causes of chronic kidney disease?

5 Answers

So many possibilities. Try the national kidney foundation for great resources and education!
Some meds can cause kidney disease. Some systemic disease can cause kidney disease like lupus, hepatitis, etc., also. Or, some insult to the kidney that happened one time can slowly progress to CKD. Now, a few things you can do: check what the Cr level is. Check urine analysis, kidney ultrasound. If the urine shows any abnormality, you need further work-up. Meantime, try to be on a low-salt diet, avoid processed foods, lunch meat, etc., and avoid meds like ibuprofen, aleve, naproxen, etc. If you are overweight/obese, do wat reduction. Also, regular exercise will help, too.
1) genetic inheritance
2) taking medication too long
3) not drinking enough water every day
4) going to bed after 11 pm
5) overnight shift at work

Many reasons can cause kidney malfunction.
Lots of things can cause Chronic kidney disease. Anything that affects the kidneys for a long time. High blood pressure, diabetes, some medications like ibuprofen and Motrin (nsaids), blockage in the kidney arteries, blockage in the ureters, any autoimmune disease. Your doctor should do a kidney ultrasound with a Doppler to the kidney arteries and maybe a kidney biopsy for a diagnosis.
Some of the causes are:

-a hereditary kidney disease called polycystic kidney disease
-taking some medications long-term, like analgesics, heartburn medications, lithium
-and some others that are less common

If you have not been referred to a nephrologist, you should ask to be, as the nephrologist can likely tell you why it has occurred, and more importantly how to make it so that the kidneys last as long as possible!