My Diagnosis Story

Pat Kavanaugh: My Diagnosis Story
Pat Kavanaugh Fibromyalgia

Another cold and rainy day, I could hardly move this morning. Everything ached, my head was spinning 'but I did get up'. If it wasn't for the home support staff, that comes most mornings at 7 am, Maybe I'd spend the day in bed. I also have many other issues that help to make my body, feel crapy. I have 5 body replacements--2...

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What symptoms led up to your diagnosis?

Actually, severe pain in my back was very difficult to manage. Then it started to travel down both arms and hands. My hands began to swell and throb! After a while, it started in the hip area, then down both legs. My feet began to retain water and swell, I was completely miserable for years. At that time, they weren't sure what was going on with me??

What tests did your doctor do, and what was this experience like?

My Dr. at that time sent me to a rheumatologist who began doing different tests. We have, I think, 8 trigger spots, in the back area. After awhile and after different studies, they confirmed I had Fibro. I would also lose my concentration, and they started calling it Fibro Fog. Before this, I would take almost anything, to help the pain. They had me on so many drugs over the years, now I take Celebrex and oxycodone. I am now 65 and had to have one knee replacement, two shoulders, and both hips.