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Is it okay to drink wine in the first trimester?

I am in my first trimester. Is it okay to drink wine in the first trimester?

What drinks are good when nursing?

I am a nursing mother. What drinks are good when nursing?

What baby formula is the safest?

My baby is 2 months old. I want to give a formula. What baby formula is the safest?

What drinks are good during the third trimester?

I am in my third trimester. What drinks are good during the third trimester?

What foods are good during the third trimester?

I am in my third trimester. What foods are good during the third trimester?

Can I drink wine in the third trimester?

I am in my third trimester. Can I drink wine in the third trimester?

What drinks are bad during the third trimester?

I am in my third trimester. What drinks are bad during the third trimester?

What vitamins to avoid during the second trimester?

I am in my second trimester. What vitamins to avoid during the second trimester?

Can I eat raw fish during the second trimester?

I am in my second trimester. Can I eat raw fish during the second trimester?

Should I give my son medications for obesity?

My son is obese. Should I give my son medications for obesity?

Can I eat meat during the third trimester?

I am in my third trimester. Can I eat meat during the third trimester?

Can I eat meat with anemia?

I have anemia. Can I eat meat with anemia?

What helps with obesity?

I am obese and want to fix it. What helps with obesity?

What is the safest formula?

My baby is 1 month old. What is the safest formula?

What treatments are effective for obesity?

My daughter is obese. What treatments are effective for obesity?

What diet to avoid with a kidney infection?

I have a kidney infection. What diet to avoid with a kidney infection?

Can you fix obesity with only diet changes?

My daughter is obese. Can you fix obesity with only diet changes?

What is the best heart-healthy diet?

I want to keep my heart healthy. What is the best heart-healthy diet?

Should I change my diet after a heart stent?

I got a heart stent 4 days ago. Should I change my diet after a heart stent?

What diet to avoid with heart arrhythmia?

I have a heart arrhythmia. What diet to avoid with heart arrhythmia?

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