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Sex after d n c

Me and my partner had sex 5 days after d n c. They bleeding had stop but started back when we was finish. My question is he found out he has chronic h. Pylori infection will...

Irregular period

I am an 18 year old female. My period have always been regular up until this year. My last period started April 20, 2023 and ended April 26. I have not had a period in four...

Distressed and defeated

I was diagnosed with chlamydia and have taken 2 courses of Doxycycline for 7 days. Came back positive both times. Was just prescribed Azithro for one day and have developed vaginal...

Missed period

Hi. I am 41 and on birth control for about 24 years. I just missed my period. Its been about 7 days. I missed one day of birth control and had sex. Am i pregnant? Is it menopause?...


Hi! If two people have hpv is it safe to have sex without condoms?


I have been experiencing contractions, pain in back and abdomen, throwing up and diarrhea and I was wondering what do I need to do?

Birth control and period

I missed my birth control pill and started to spot bleed and blood clotting and some cramping. I missed my pill one week before my period and now that i’m on my period i am barely...

Birth control and period

I missed my birth control pill and started to spot bleed and blood clotting and some cramping. I missed my pill one week before my period and now that i’m on my period i am barely...

What do I do with my daughter vagina?

Hi, my daughter vagina has been itching and it looks like there is bumps.

Can I drink water before a mammogram?

I will have a mammogram. Can I drink water before a mammogram?

What not to do before the mammogram?

I will have a mammogram. What not to do before the mammogram?

Staphylococcus Ssaprophyticus

I'm just wondering what staphylococcus saprophyticus is because I saw on my results from my doctor I have it and I don't understand what it is. I'm not sexually active

Bleeding a week after period

On September 2, I started my period and bled for about 4 days. On September 12, I began having some cramping and spotting. The bleeding became heavier similar to a period and...


So last time I was checked for STD’s was last July and I didn’t have any std’s but since last July I’ve been with the same partner yet I’m always paranoid about STD’s and germs...

Abnormal Sensation

Ever since I was little I have felt way too much in my lady parts. I feel like my mind is connected to it, if that makes any sense. I have been able to control a movement down...

Irregular Periods problem

I am 14 years old girl i have irregular period problem

Adenomyosis Solution

I have adenomyosis and fibroids and my periods are unbearable I’m wanting to find a solution that will allow me to still have a child. Is an andenomyectoy and option or is birth...

Could this be due to

I'm having same symptoms I had when I had a miscarriage could I've been pregnant and not now and having another miscarriage could this be another miscarriage or what else could...


I have been taking oral contraceptives for the past four months. I would like to mention that I take the combined pills containing both estrogen and progesterone. They have been...

What pain medications are okay to take during pregnancy?

I am pregnant and have bad neck pain. What pain medications are okay to take during pregnancy?

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