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What helps with ankle arthritis?

I was diagnosed with ankle arthritis and it hurts bad sometimes. What helps with ankle arthritis?

Can surgery fix ankle arthritis?

I have ankle arthritis. Can surgery fix ankle arthritis?

How can you help with my ankle arthritis?

I have ankle arthritis. How can you help with my ankle arthritis?

Can I run with ankle arthritis?

I have ankle arthritis. Can I run with ankle arthritis?

What can help with ankle arthritis pain?

I have ankle arthritis and it hurts. What can help with ankle arthritis pain?

What exercises help with ankle arthritis?

I have ankle arthritis. What exercises help with ankle arthritis?

What to avoid with ankle arthritis?

I have ankle arthritis. What to avoid with ankle arthritis?

What can be done for spine hernia?

I was diagnosed with a spine hernia. What can be done for spine hernia?

How can I get rid of ankle arthritis pain?

I have ankle arthritis and it hurts. How can I get rid of ankle arthritis pain?

Can exercise heal a herniated disc?

I was diagnosed with a herniated disc. Can exercise heal a herniated disc?

Can a spine hernia be fixed?

I was diagnosed with a spine hernia. Can a spine hernia be fixed?

How can I ease ankle arthritis pain?

I have ankle arthritis and it hurts. How can I ease ankle arthritis pain?

What treatments help with ankle mobility?

I have bad ankle mobility. What treatments help with ankle mobility?

wrist pain

i have had a wrist pain for about a year in my wrist wrist. its a sharp pain and hurts to move. i wake up with it numb or swollen sometimes or both but not allways. when i hold...

Can you someone explain this lab result on my knee to me

My Dr hurt sent this result for my knees that's been bothering me. I got an mri. but isn't answering to explain what it means. “ Peripherally enhancing lesion with some...

Upper back/neck/shoulder pain

When I pop my neck I get a shock down my arms. I also have severe upper back pain that’s worse with movement/heavy breathing. I also have shoulder pain/popping and sometimes...

Severe torn rotator cuff

MRI shows full thickness tear plus other partial. I've tried PT. Injections. Pain function getting worse. My doctors have said nothing else to do. I'm 80/ female but healthy....

Flexor tendon

I cut my hand on Feb 20 and cut flexor tendons on my left hand to my ring and pinky fingers. It is now March 6 and I have still have not had surgery due to workman's comp. Will...

Meloxicam and valium

Can I take Meloxicam and Valium together for lower back pain, inflammation and muscle spasms?

Numb index finger

I broke my shoulder Feb 17th. Left arm has been in a sling since then. No surgery necessary. The last week, my index finger on that arm is numb. Is this anything to be concerned...

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