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What is the best treatment for kidney cancer?

My friend was diagnosed with kidney cancer. What is the best treatment for kidney cancer?

How long is recovery after appendix surgery?

My daughter will have appendix surgery. How long is recovery after appendix surgery?

Will I get the lung biopsy results the next day?

I will have a lung biopsy. Will I get the lung biopsy results the next day?

Is kidney resection a major surgery?

I will have a kidney resection. Is kidney resection a major surgery?

How painful is recovery from a liver biopsy?

I will have a liver biopsy. How painful is recovery from a liver biopsy?

Can colon resection fix colon cancer?

I was diagnosed with stage 1 colon cancer. Can colon resection fix colon cancer?

Can bronchoscopy cause any damage?

I will have a bronchoscopy. Can bronchoscopy cause any damage?

Can colonoscopy cause hemorrhoids?

After a colonoscopy I got hemorrhoids. Can colonoscopy cause hemorrhoids?

What type of surgery is best for inguinal hernia?

I have inguinal hernia. What type of surgery is best for inguinal hernia?

Can surgery fix hemorrhoids?

I have hemorrhoids. Can surgery fix hemorrhoids?

What drinks to avoid after gastric sleeve?

I will have gastric sleeve surgery. What drinks to avoid after gastric sleeve?

How painful is a lung resection?

I will have lung resection surgery. How painful is a lung resection?

How long should I wait for the biopsy results?

I will have a kidney biopsy. How long should I wait for the biopsy results?

Can I exercise 3 weeks after a colon resection?

I had colon resection surgery 3 weeks ago. Can I exercise 3 weeks after a colon resection?

What activities should I avoid with an inguinal hernia?

I was diagnosed with an inguinal hernia. What activities should I avoid with an inguinal hernia?

Which type of surgery is best for inguinal hernia repair?

I was diagnosed with an inguinal hernia. Which type of surgery is best for inguinal hernia repair?

What to avoid after kidney tone removal?

I will have kidney stone removal. What to avoid after kidney tone removal?

How long should you rest after kidney stone surgery?

I will have kidney stone surgery. How long should you rest after kidney stone surgery?

What is the treatment for stomach ulcers?

I was diagnosed with a stomach ulcer. What is the treatment for stomach ulcers?

Are lidocaine injections painful?

I will have surgery with lidocaine anesthesia. Are lidocaine injections painful?

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