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Is C-section delivery risky?

I will have a C-section delivery. Is C-section delivery risky?

Can I eat burgers during pregnancy?

I am 20 weeks pregnant. Can I eat burgers during pregnancy?

What can I do with stomach pain during early pregnancy?

I am pregnant and have stomach pain. What can I do with stomach pain during early pregnancy?

Is breast mammogram safe?

I will have a breast mammogram. Is breast mammogram safe?

How should I prepare for a PAP smear?

I will have a PAP smear. How should I prepare for a PAP smear?

Is there any way to prevent miscarriages?

I have a history of miscarriages. Is there any way to prevent miscarriages?

Pregnancy concern?

I am currently 7 weeks pregnant and I’m having brown discharge. Is that normal? I had a miscarriage in January of 2021 I was very early though like 4-5 weeks.

Pregnany or hormone changes?

I had a tubal ligation 5 years ago, my last period was 45 days ago. I'm 31 years old, at the beginning of May I started taking diet pills but quit 4 days later due to side effects,...

Vaginal bleeding?

I have been bleeding for almost 2 months straight…I did the abortion pill process the first week of April and they said I was going to bleed for about 2 weeks up until my next...

Late menstrual period?

I am 3 days late for my periods and I don't have sex, my last period was a bit earlier and I don't have sex. I use piroxicam on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd of this month to avoid menstrual...

Progesterone contraceptive pills?

I am 18 years old and I want to start getting progesterone contraceptive pills. Can you tell me if I can at my age?

Cervical cancer?

So I have cervical cancer, stage 1. I have had the conization surgery which got most of it but because there is still a little left (if that makes sense) my dr wants to keep a...

Bleeding again?

I haven't had sex in 4 years but I had sex 2 days after getting off my period was 5 days long. Then I started another period that has lasted now 6 days. What could possibly be...

Missed Xulane patch?

I am on the Xulane patch and my week 2 patch came off after one day so I had to use my week 3 patch and now am behind. I started my period basically a week early. I can't get...

Light period or what is it?

Idk if I’m having early pregnancy bleeding or a light period. There’s been light pink on the tissue when I wipe. But it’s not every time there were a few blood drops in the toilet...

How much folate should I take during pregnancy?

I am pregnant and want to take folate. How much folate should I take during pregnancy?

When should I get an ultrasound during pregnancy?

I got a positive test for pregnancy yesterday. When should I get an ultrasound during pregnancy?

Can I get a back massage during pregnancy?

I am pregnant and want to get a back massage. Can I get a back massage during pregnancy?

Is it safe to have sex in the 3rd month of pregnancy?

I am in my 3rd month of pregnancy. Is it safe to have sex in the 3rd month of pregnancy?

When can I fly while pregnant?

I am 12 weeks pregnant and I want to travel. When can I fly while pregnant?

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