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What treatments are done for the elderly in palliative care?

My grandfather will move to palliative care. What treatments are done for the elderly in palliative care?

What helps lower back pain in the elderly?

My grandfather has lower back pain. What helps lower back pain in the elderly?

What blood pressure medications should the elderly avoid?

My grandmother has high blood pressure. What blood pressure medications should the elderly avoid?

What antibiotics help with a sinus infection?

I have a sinus infection. What antibiotics help with a sinus infection?

Low testosterone?

Blood work shows I have very low testosterone. My medical dr put me on Tadalafil 5mg daily and an injection every other week for 8 weeks. Two weeks after that ended I did blood...

How long is my uncle's life expectancy?

My uncle is 66, and has cerebral palsy. He was put in hospice care in December 2021 after being diagnosed with kidney disease/failure and chose not to have dialysis. He's gone...

Kidney issue?

I had blood in my urine just once. I had a camera look into my bladder it was clear now I am to have a CT scan on my kidneys which I am worried about and don't really want to...

How long does covid last?

I have a headache, 99 fever, cough, feeling tired, very loose stool, food tastes rotten, and a lot of mucus.

Fibrous healing of broken neck?

My mom broke her neck. It was a c2 fracture. The doctor put her in a neck brace for six months. She has a nonunion with fibrous healing. The doctor advised her against surgery....

Please help me interpret my AST and ALT lab results?

I have been a very heavy drinker for many years, (stopped cold turkey a month ago). My primary care physician "missed" the big red "H" next to my recent AST level on my last labs....

What causes A Fib and how can it be effectively treated?

At age 75, I was just diagnosed with A Fib for the first time in my life. Isn't it due to an electrical issue causing misfiring of the atrial muscles? How can it be effectively...

Urgent situation?

My father has a severe inguinal hernia. He is 89 years old and can't use the bathroom, so he spends 20 hours trying to urinate/defecate, but he can't, but sometimes it only happens...

Low blood pressure?

My mother, age 82 blood pressure is 124/42. She’s been feeling super tired and dizzy lately. Her medications are Losartan and Amlodipine 5mg. Is the lower number 42 something...

What techniques do you use to treat alcohol addiction?

I have an alcohol addiction. What techniques do you use to treat alcohol addiction?

I had a hernia surgery?

About 12 weeks ago I had hernia surgery. Everything was fine but where I had the surgery I still have a hard lump by the surgery scar. I know I had a mesh put in and when I went...

String-like clots in urine?

I am 87 and wear a Foley catheter 24/7, which on infrequent occasions has been blocked by clots associated with an episode of blood in urine. I have been taught how to manually...

Constipation for days?

I'm a 75 year old male. I've taken 3 full doses of liquid Ducolax for three days. I worked, for the most part, to remove most of large back up. The last dose was to clean me...

Why do I have no energy?

I'm an active 82 year old. My BP is good, oxygen is good (oximeter). I have A-Fib, Waldenstrom's Lymphoma (indolent for about 8 years). It's good after 20 minutes of rest....

Parkinson's disease?

My father is 69, has late-term Parkinson's. Side effects include: paranoia. 1 week no desire to eat. Very hard bowel movements and urination. Lost weight. Weakness and unstable...

Elderly woman?

She has physical shaking constantly. Is the shaking a disease or some other sickness? Is there a name for it?

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