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Can the COVID infection affect my baby?

I am 15 weeks pregnant and was diagnosed with a COVID infection. Can the COVID infection affect my baby?

Can you get heart arrhythmia from the COVID infection?

I had a COVID infection. After the COVID I have a heart arrhythmia. Can you get heart arrhythmia from the COVID infection?

What is the treatment option for chickenpox?

My daughter was diagnosed with chickenpox. What is the treatment option for chickenpox?

Infection after surgery?

I had surgery on my finger in February and I think it is infected. I have no energy and I have a headache.

HIV test?

I got a rapid test for HIV, which came as reactive. They asked for the confirmatory test and It came as nonreactive. My only partner in the last months and years was my husband,...

Can I get the COVID booster vaccine during the second trimester?

I am in my second trimester. Can I get the COVID booster vaccine during the second trimester?

Long covid?

I have had a covid-related illness since Oct 2021, and have been off sick since. My GP has no idea what to do with me. I have asthma and am on inhalers ventolin and becotide....

Related to chickenpox?

I am a 19 year old female patient. I started to blister, then on the left side of the head and face was some sensitivity for 10 days.

What antibiotics can I give my daughter for tonsils infection?

My daughter has a tonsil infection. What antibiotics can I give my daughter for tonsils infection?

About HIV?

Dear doctor, I live in Nigeria where the prevalence of HIV is very high. I had sex with a commercial sex worker using a condom, please is there any way I can contract HIV or any...

How can you help with a child's ear infections?

My daughter has an ear infection. How can you help with a child's ear infections?

Terrible sore throat post covid?

On April 23rd I began to get a sore throat, I tested positive for covid shortly after. Today is May 11, and most of my symptoms are gone. I have a little bit of congestion left...

HIV test?

HIV 1 RNA, QUANTITATIVE REAL TIME PCR at 6 weeks negative to. . . is that conclusive?

How long does it take to clear a kidney infection?

I have a kidney infection. How long does it take to clear a kidney infection?

Can children get the COVID vaccine?

My daughter is 5 years old. Can children get the COVID vaccine?

How closely related are Covid-19 & TB?

I was seriously ill for a few months back in 2019. I went to several doctors in my area and even 100 miles north & south of my hometown. I landed in the emergency room and was...

Covid test?

Would this be considered positive?

Does this look like a staph infection?

My boyfriend has a rash and it looks like a staph infection just tell me what it is?

Can you get the COVID vaccine if you have high blood pressure?

I have high blood pressure. Can you get the COVID vaccine if you have high blood pressure?

Can the COVID vaccine affect my semen levels?

I will get a COVID vaccine. Can the COVID vaccine affect my semen levels?

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