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Is there anything to do to prevent stroke?

I am a 45-year-old female. I have a family history of strokes. Is there anything to do to prevent stroke?

What is the treatment for elbow nerve damage?

I have elbow nerve damage. What is the treatment for elbow nerve damage?

Should I get a surgery if I have nerve damage in my leg?

I have nerve damage in my leg. Should I get surgery if I have nerve damage in my leg?

How long is treatment for sciatica?

I have sciatica and want to treat it. How long is treatment for sciatica?

What are the treatments for sciatica?

I have sciatica. What are the treatments for sciatica?

Can nerve damage in the back heal itself?

I have nerve damage in my back. Can nerve damage in the back heal itself?

How long is the treatment for leg nerve damage?

I have nerve damage in my leg. How long is the treatment for leg nerve damage?

Is stroke preventable?

I have a family history of strokes. Is stroke preventable?

Can a neurologist fix sciatica?

I was diagnosed with sciatica. Can a neurologist fix sciatica?

What helps damaged nerves to heal?

I have nerve damage in my back. What helps damaged nerves to heal?

Will nerve damage go away?

I have nerve damage in my back. Will nerve damage go away?

How long is the rehab therapy after a stroke?

My friend had a stroke. How long is the rehab therapy after a stroke?

Please suggest something for seizure?

I recently started having seizures?

How long after a mini-stroke can you go back to work?

My friend had a stroke. How long after a mini-stroke can you go back to work?

Can nerve damage in the arm be repaired?

I have nerve damage in my arm. Can nerve damage in the arm be repaired?

Can nerve damage in feet be repaired?

I have nerve damage in my feet. Can nerve damage in feet be repaired?

Do I have a brain tumor?

I have been having really bad head pain, especially at night, and for the last four days, my vision has been odd too. I have had a migraine for just over 2 months now (I think)...

Sharp headache and loss of vision?

In 2016, my mother started to suffer from a strong headache, after several days, her vision started diminishing and she had a foggy vision. She went to an ophthalmologist but...

Can nerve damage in my hand be fixed?

I have nerve damage in my hand. Can nerve damage in my hand be fixed?

How long is the treatment for sciatica?

I was diagnosed with sciatica. How long is the treatment for sciatica?

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