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Will the amount of testosterone I have close my growth plates earlier?

Hello, I've been interested in my height and was wondering how tall I'll be but I'm worried that my growth plates will close earlier. I've researched that precocious puberty will...

Is thalassemia genetic?

My daughter was diagnosed with thalassemia. Is it genetic?

What is the most common treatment for child autism?

My son was diagnosed with autism. What is the most common treatment for child autism?

What is the best treatment for autism?

My daughter was diagnosed with autism. What is the best treatment for autism?

Can a child recover from autism?

My son was diagnosed with autism. Is it serious? What are the treatment options?

Is this a disability?

I have hemihypertrophy, my right side is shorter but bulkier than my left side. It can't be cured I just want to know if this is counted as a disability?

Mutations in beta globin chain?

My son's (3 year old) genetic blood work resulted in two beta gene mutations of IVS1+110 (G>A)and IVS1. 6 (T>C). They expect they are heterozygous but don't know whether the...

How accurate is genetic testing for gender?

I am pregnant and want to get genetic testing for gender. How accurate is genetic testing for gender?

At what age does genetic epilepsy start?

Epilepsy runs in my family. At what age does genetic epilepsy start?

Is stroke genetically inherited?

My grandmother has a stroke last month. I wonder if stroke is genetically inherited?

My son has stopped growing?

My son has not grown at all in the past 3 months. He is 14 and has been lifting weights for about 6 months. Could lifting be the cause of the lack of growth?

Is having an autistic child genetic?

My daughter was diagnosed with autism. Is it genetic? What are the treatment options?

Is Parkinson's genetic?

My grandfather was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. Is it serious? Is Parkinson's genetic?

How does a neurologist test for autism?

Doctor thinks my daughter has autism. Is it serious? How does a neurologist test for autism?

How do you permanently cure a migraine?

I have a migraine and want to treat it. How do you permanently cure a migraine? Is it genetic?

How long should a headache last before seeing a doctor?

I am 71 years old and keep having headaches. I don't know what to do. How long should a headache last before seeing a doctor?

Why Is O the universal blood donor?

I have the O blood type. Why Is O the universal blood donor?

Can a CT scan confirm a blood cancer?

My daughter has pediatric lymphoma. They want to do different tests on her. Can a CT scan confirm a blood cancer?

What causes a child to develop Marfin syndrome?

My newborn baby was diagnosed with Marfin syndrome. What causes this disorder?

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