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What diet is good for Celiac?

I have Celiac disease. What diet is good for Celiac?

What diet to avoid if I have gastritis?

I have gastritis. What diet to avoid if I have gastritis?

Stomach pains?

I've been having pains in my stomach that come and go for about a month. Sometimes it makes me nauseous and weak, sometimes I burp a lot and have heartburn. Also, I don’t go...

Gastro issues?

I have been constipated for over 6 months now. As a result, I have inner hemorrhoids and several times a day mucus is released from my behind. Also, a horrible rash has formed...

Cancerous? Or something else?

I'm a 36 (almost 37) year old male, 6'2, 167 lbs, non-smoker, not overweight, casual drinker. In mid-February (it's June now) I started noticing what felt like a strained muscle...

Stool issues?

I'm 30 years old and I'm just a tiny bit constipated. I've been passing small stools but they seem to have one or two small red marks on them, I have no pain when passing them...

Small piece of cellophane?

I think I might have swallowed a small piece of cellophane that got mixed in with my Mac and cheese TV dinner. Is there anything to worry about or will it come out in my stool?...

Should I go to the ER or make a appointment with doctors?

Hi, I’ve been experiencing stomach pain, vomiting, nausea, dizziness, and losing an unhealthy amount of weight. For almost a year now but it has gotten worse.

Can medications treat gastritis?

I have gastritis and want to treat it. Can medications treat gastritis?

What is the option to stop diarrhea?

I have had diarrhea already 2 days. What is the option to stop diarrhea?

Mucus on stool?

I hadn't pooped in one day and today my poop was covered in mucus. My back and side are uncomfortable.

I can't poop?

Hello, I'm a 59 year old female with frequent constipation. I've been constipated for a month now. However, it's also been a recurring problem that has happen throughout the...

Bloating, constipated pain around the belly button?

My stomach is bloated above and below the belly button. Feels stiff and constipated. I do have bowel movements every morning. I started taking Miralax last night and a probiotic...

Blood mixed in stools?

I have had chronic blood mixed in stools for 3 years. It’s actually mixed in not streaked but reddish stools. Sometimes some mucous. Is this common for internal hemorrhoids?...

Anal fissure?

Can they be attached to your colon on the outside of your rectum?

What is the best diet for gastroparesis?

I was diagnosed with gastroparesis. What is the best diet for gastroparesis?


I've got a senna tablet for my constipation that I've had now for seven days. How safe are they and can they cause bad cramps and how quick do they work?

How long after gastric bypass can I lift weights?

I will have gastric bypass surgery. How long after gastric bypass can I lift weights?

Can gastritis be treat without medications?

I have gastritis. Can gastritis be treated without medications?

Pain in lower left abdomen?

I've been to see the doctor twice, it's not an infection. They think it's IBS however it occurred after yoga. This pain is continuous and affecting my sleep. What can I do other...

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