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Breast cancer recurrence

Diagnosed with breast cancer last September 2016 with DCIS. Had a partial mastectomy and had radiotherapy treatment. Diagnosed again within 10 months with invasive breast cancer...

I was just diagnosed with Crohn's, but there is a history of bowel cancer in my family. What should I look out for?

My grandfather passed away from bowel cancer complications. I was just diagnosed with Crohn's disease 1 month ago. Should I think about further testing? When?

Breast cancer biopsy

Are needle core biopsies as accurate as core samples were?

Using radiation with prostate cancer

My uncle has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. He is 75 and his PSA is 7. 2. One of the treatment options he was given is radation therapy. He said something about "seeds"....

Should I take certain vitamins or supplements after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer? Which ones?

I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and I am wondering if I should take specific vitamins, enzymes or supplements to help my condition.

If I was diagnosed with cervical cancer, did i definitely have HPV first?

I was diagnosed with cervical cancer, and I know cervical cancer is associated with HPV. Did I definitely have HPV first or are there other ways of developing cervical cancer?...

I have to undergo chemotherapy for lung cancer. What should I expect?

I have heard horror stories about chemotherapy. What types of side effects should I realistically expect for chemotherapy to treat lung cancer?

I've been in remission for nearly two years, but I'm starting to feel weak and tired again. What is wrong?

Almost two years have gone by since being in breast cancer remission. But, I feel as exhausted as I was back when I was on chemotherapy. What is wrong? Is it normal to experience...

I have to get an orchiectomy. Can I have an implant inserted immediately? What's the process like for getting an implant?

I just found out I have testicular cancer and I need to get my testicle removed. Is it possible to have an implant done during the orchiectomy surgery? What is the process for...

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