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Can alcohol addiction be treated at home?

I have an alcohol addiction and want to fix it. Can alcohol addiction be treated at home?

I’m young and I’m experiencing a lot of symptoms?

Before chest pain I had an addiction to weed and alc and vaping then I quit. I got clean for 10 months. Then I’ve been experiencing chest pain (a year ago) When I was clean,...

How can I help someone with drug addiction?

My friend has a drug addiction. How can I help someone with drug addiction?

A heart attack due to drug overdose (stimulant)?

Can amyl nitrate be used to stop a heart attack? I have a rapid heart rate.

I have bumps on my armpit?

I have 2 bumps on my armpit one is bigger and red. I'm on no meds, I use meth and it hurts to lift my arm and my arm is weaker.

Can I drink a little while taking this med?

I am an alcoholic currently dealing with cutting back on alcohol in a healthy manner to prevent a seizure. I am on Bactrim for an infection.

What are the best treatment methods for alcohol addiction?

I have an alcohol addiction and want to fix it. What are the best treatment methods for alcohol addiction?

I have a video game addiction?

I've been sleeping constantly. I can fall asleep at any time for hours yet I have a schedule where I sleep from 8 pm to 8 am. Even with the 12 hours of sleep, I take naps constantly...

What is the first-line treatment for alcohol addiction?

I have an alcohol addiction and want to treat it. What is the first-line treatment for alcohol addiction?

What are the treatment options for alcohol dependence?

I have alcohol dependence and want to treat it. What are the treatment options for alcohol dependence?

I have chest pain?

I’ve been getting chest pain, right below my breast in the center. It’s a sharp pain, that affects my breathing, and it makes me nauseous. I cannot move when this happens, I...

What type of doctor should I see for drug addiction?

I have a drug addiction and want to treat it. What type of doctor should I see for drug addiction?

Tongue is swollen?

My tongue is swollen after consuming cocaine I'm worried.

Question about antidepressants working quickly?

I'm a 26 year old female and my weight fluctuates between 115-118 pounds. I was put on antidepressants for anxiety and depression. I also have PMDD, so my mood gets crazy around...

What are the solutions for drug addiction?

I have a drug addiction and want to treat it. What are my options?

Alcoholism advice?

I have been a heavy drinker for the last 15 years or so. My mother passed away in April and my drinking has escalated and I will go days without eating and running on very little...

What are some solutions for drug addiction?

My friend has a drug addiction and I want to help him. What are some solutions for drug addiction?

What drug is commonly used to treat alcohol addiction?

I have an alcohol addiction and want to treat it. What drug is commonly used to treat alcohol addiction?

Should I go to a psychiatrist for alcohol addiction?

I have an alcohol addiction and want to treat it. Should I go to a psychiatrist for alcohol addiction?

What is the role of a psychiatrist in treating alcohol addiction?

I have an alcohol addiction and want to treat it. What is the role of a psychiatrist in treating alcohol addiction?

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