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Amoxicillin rash?

I took amoxicillin for an ear infection for five days and developed a rash, that was on December 20th. I still have the rash and it’s slowly spreading up my arms. What should...

I need help with my feet?

My feet burn and itch really badly. My doctor told me it’s just an allergic reaction but I don’t know what I could be allergic to. I don’t have a history of being allergic to...

Red skin rash?

It’s not itchy I’ve had the rash for 4 months, it’s on my chest and continues to grow bigger. I don’t know if it’s an allergy because I’m unaware of any allergies I have.

How do you clear allergies in children?

My daughter has seasonal allergies. How do you clear allergies in children?

Toddler allergies?

My one year old son has had bad allergies and he is now left with a bad cough. As of now, he has been vomiting for about a week every day and tonight he has blood streaks in his...

Should I see a doctor for an allergic reaction?

I had an allergic reaction to hair dye. Should I see a doctor for an allergic reaction?

Can I get the COVID vaccine during breastfeeding?

I am breastfeeding and want to get a COVID vaccine. Can I get the COVID vaccine during breastfeeding?

My lips and nails are a bluish color?

My lips and nails are a bluish color and my face is pale and yellowish. I also feel pressure around my lips.

Quit smoking cold turkey?

I want to quit smoking. I am allergic to all of the different types of cessation products and the two medications I know of that help with it. So the only way I'd be able to...

Nasal congestion?

I saw the allergist yesterday and she did a scope of my nose. She said that the nose looked good. But why am I still having congestion? I do have allergies.

What is a good children's allergy medicine?

My daughter has a dust allergy. What is a good children's allergy medicine?

Is flu vaccine safe for children?

My daughter is 5 years old. I think about giving her a flu vaccine. Is the flu vaccine safe for children?

I had an allergic reaction to a b12 shot?

I had a b12 shot yesterday and now I’m having trouble swallowing and lightheaded.

Is acupuncture good for dust allergies?

I have a dust allergy. Is acupuncture good for dust allergies?

Covid-19 vaccine exemption?

A few years ago I was in the hospital for cellulitis on my left forefinger. While at the emergency room I was administered Vancomycin. I had an immediate severe allergic reaction....

What causes a non-itchy rash?

Hi, me and my partner are both 23 years old recently he has gotten a non-itchy rash on his shoulder blades/neck/face. The bumps are an ok size and a couple of days later I got...

It happened overnight?

It happened overnight, I woke up couldn’t see my ankles, legs were red, swollen, scaly, bumpy with hives and blisters. Is this a reaction or something else?

Can acupuncture help food allergies?

I have food allergies. Can acupuncture help food allergies?

How do you treat severe seasonal allergies in children?

My daughter has seasonal allergies. How do you treat seasonal allergies in children?

Possible allergic reaction?

I’m allergic to penicillin and accidentally took amoxicillin, what should I do? !

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